About MeHusband, father, engineer, hobbyist, etc.
I enjoy building things that are both functional and artistic, specifically in the areas of audio and light. I love a good technical challenge and an elegant solution. Myers-Briggs: ENtp Strength Finders: Learner, Ideation and WOO Turn ons: long walks on the beach Turn offs: negative people |
Family |
One wife, three kids, two dogs, and some fish.
Background |
I've been playing with electronics for decades, starting with a Heathkit electronics trainer and Forrest Mims' great circuits books from Radio Shack up to the present day using Arduinos, LT Spice, the great Eagle PCB Layout tool, switching power supplies, and programmable LEDs.
As a kid, my Dad taught me to solder and helped me assemble a Heathkit metronome. I was always taking apart something and learned quickly to avoid trouble by being able to put them back together so they worked again. Throughout High School, I worked as a technician and programmer and continued working at both all during college. I received a Bachelors Degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the University of Iowa, with a focus on control systems. My senior design project was an audio Spectrum Analyzer (go figure), which I would later rebuild into a Halloween costume for my son and then recreate with custom circuit board design (see Spectrum Analyzers). Over the years, I've had various engineering and engineering manager positions, with my last with Vermeer Corporation in Pella, Iowa. The pictures to the left may or may not be me playing in a Rock Band competition. |